Camp @ Windigo fest!

Enhance Your Time & Stay at the World's Only Dead and Breakfast
The World's First Dead & Breakfast Where You're Guaranteed an Unrestful Night. You Decide Which Spirits are Part of the Theatrical Experience and Which are the "Permanent" residents.
Open All Year Round & Remember... A Good Nights Sleep Thou Shall Not Get!
$40 Per Night

Rooms "Set Aside" for Festival visitors
Near the Festival Grounds
Call: 920-684-7841 to Reserve
Windigo Fest Camping Rules
These rules will be strictly enforced. If you do not abide by them you will be required to leave the grounds. NO REFUNDS!
No pets allowed on the grounds.
All bottles, cans, or drinking containers are to be contained on your campsite. You will not be allowed to carry them anywhere on the grounds. They will be confiscated if found and not returned. Be respectful. There are concessions throughout the festival….please support the vendors.
Quiet time is from 1am-10am. No music or loud noise between these times.
No fireworks, grills, campfires, or burning of any kind.
No person will be allowed in the campgrounds without a camping wristband. Anyone on the festival grounds without the proper wristbands is subject to a trespassing fine of up to $1000.00.
Absolutely NO weapons are allowed in the campgrounds or festival grounds.
Cruising the festival campgrounds in any vehicle of any kind is not permitted.
Absolutely no “live music stage shows” in the campgrounds that promote gatherings, selling of alcoholic beverages, and any other soliciting. This will not be tolerated and violators will be removed from the premises.
A $100.00 reward will be given for any information leading to the arrest and prosecution of any perpetrators selling any illegal items on the Windigo Fest premises. Contact any festival security or any uniformed officer.
Any violators of Windigo Fest or State regulations will be subject to having their wristband removed and will be escorted from the festival grounds with no refunds. Violators will also be subject to fine according to state and local regulations.
Only (1) sleeping unit (tent, RV, etc.) is allowed on a campsite. Your vehicle will need to be parked in the West Parking Lot by the Vista entrance if you need to use it during the festival. You will not be able to drive your vehicle in and out of the grounds during the festival.
All people entering the festival grounds do so at their own risk. No liability is assumed by owners, managers, officers, agents, employees, promoters, sponsors or any other individuals or entities associated with the event.
Windigo Fest is not responsible for any theft or damage.
Please leave your campsite in the same condition that you found it when you came. Any campsite left in dissatisfactory condition will be invoiced anywhere between $100.00-$2500.00. Please dispose of everything from your campsite in proper containers located throughout the grounds.